The three Hudson men, who held up the Claverack Cobble Pond Store last August are going to prison. 23 year old Jonathan Garcia, 20 year old Charles Corey, and 23 year old Roberto Guerrero were all sentenced to five years in Columbia County Court this morning. They all each got five years probation. Garcia was also sentenced to four years on a separate burglary charge, but with the sentence running concurrently to the robbery one, he will serve no additional time.
Original press release from State Police:
Claverack, New York – On August 12, 2016, New York State Police Bureau ofCriminal Investigation from the Livingston barracks concluded a multi-agencyinvestigation conducted with the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office and theCity of Hudson Police Department which swiftly led to the arrest of three Columbia County men following an armed robbery reported to police on the evening of August 9, 2016.On August 11, 2016, Jonathan Garcia, age 22, of Hudson was arrested and chargedwith Robbery in the 1st Degree. On August 12, 2016, Charles H. Corey, 19 yearsold, and 22-year-old Roberto Guerrero, both of Hudson, New York, were chargedwith Robbery in the 1st Degree, a Class B Felony. Garcia, Guerrero, and Coreywere all arraigned in the Town of Claverack Court before the Honorable MichaelBrandon and remanded to the Columbia County Jail without bail. They are due toreturn to the Claverack Justice Court on August 17, 2016.Senior Investigator William Mulrein stated, "These arrests can be directlyattributed to the inter-agency cooperation between all of the police departmentsinvolved. Additionally, the information and leads provided by members of thecommunity were crucially important to the success of this investigation."The State Police were assisted by the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, theCity of Hudson Police Department, and members of the public.